
Resources: Virginia Hardiness Zones

The resources page is a wonderful way to gather information that you may need for your next project. We will always be adding to this page and we hope our customers make great use of it! There is a lot of information listed below, but if you still have questions, call us! (804) 379-8733.

Don’t want to see your neighbors? We have plenty of recommendations for a green fence! Whether you have sun or shade, need a shrub that only reaches 6’ tall or a tree that reaches 60’ tall, we can help! Click the link below to use our flow chart!

What is a Hardiness Zone? This just means, there are some plants that will flourish here, some that will be okay, and some that will never come back. The Richmond, Virginia area is considered a Zone 7. So make sure the plants you put in your yard have a hardiness zone that reflects this information. For a complete Hardiness Zone Map for the state of Virginia, click the link below.

How big is a 2” tree? We don’t mean it is only 2” tall! It is just the diameter of the trunk that is 2”. Here is a chart that tells you how tall a tree is in reference to its trunk caliper.

Are you thinking about planting a field-grown tree yourself? It can be done, but you probably want to know how big and how heavy the root ball will be. Click the link below for a tree size, to root ball size, to root ball weight comparison chart.

Are you trying to arrange a big order? How many 24” root balls will fit on a tractor trailer load? Need an idea of how many trips it will take or how many more trees you can add to your order? Click on the link below for a chart that will help you make those decisions!

Coming Soon!

Do you have a garden that the deer see as a salad bar? Don’t worry; we have numerous recommendations for “deer-resistant” shrubs and perennials for sun or shade.